Date | May 28 - 29th 2022 |
Location | Burnaby Lake Rowing Pavilion 6871 Roberts Street |
Cost & Athlete Registration | $65 for U12/U14 $75 U16 and up. This year athletes will be asked to self register, complete waiver forms, and pay through the CKBC online platform. Registration Deadline: May 21, 2022 11:59pm PST ** NO late registrations will be allowed ** Cancellations will be allowed with full refund up until the deadline. |
Entries | Club coaches or representatives, please complete your entries directly to the google sheet. Email Note: Do not enter an athlete until you have received confirmation of their registration. Entry Deadline: 11:00 pm on Monday, May 23. A draft draw will be sent out by Wednesday morning. Coaches will be able to make scratches and substitutions directly to the document until Thursday, May 26th, 11pm. Additional entries will be allowed only if space permits. A final draw will be available on Friday, May 27th. Please refer to the virtual draw for the most recent information. Changes to entries during race day: substitutions and scratches can be made during race day by either 1. commenting on the shared document. or 2. submitting a paper change form. |
Athletes Volunteers and Officials | All competitors must be registered members of CKBC. *** We are always in need of volunteers (especially boat drivers) and officials *** It is expected that all clubs provide a volunteer or official. Officials can register on Ramp. Boat drivers require a Pleasure Craft Operators Card and should register at the above link. For 2022 each club is entitled to 1 free PCOC ticket and up to 4 additional tickets for new volunteer boat drivers. |
Race Events | BC Cup Events: U11: K1/C1 200m, 500m U12: K1/C1 200m, K2/C2 200m, K4/C4 200m; K1/C1 1000m U13: K1/C1 500m, 1000m U14: K1/C1 200m, 500m; K2/C2 500m; K4/C4 500m; K1/C1 2000m Open: K1/C1 5000m Master/Novice: Canada Games Qualifier Events: (Please refer to the technical package for more info on CSG) 2022 Technical Package - Canoe Kayak - PUBLISHED.pdf U22: K1/C1 200m, 500m, 1000m Race limit: *** 8 events per athlete *** |
Coaches/Officials | Volunteers and officials will meet 1 hour prior to the start of the races each morning. Coaches will be asked to check in for a 5minute briefing prior to the start of races. |
Rules Categories | CanoeKayak Canada Sprint Racing Discipline Competition 2022 Rules (Rulebook) will be used. BC Cup: U11: Born in the year 2011 or later U12: Born in the year 2010 U13: Born in the year 2009 U14: Born in the year 2008 Masters: Athletes 34 and older. Born in 1987 and earlier Paracanoe: Athletes meeting ICF Paracanoe requirement Open: Anyone can race Novice: In first 2 years of the sport and has not raced at Nationals. Canada Summer Games Qualifier: U22: Born in the year 2000 or later |
Technical | Clubs are expected to bring their own deck numbers. U16 and younger athletes must wear PFDs approved under the small vessels regulations within the Canada Shipping Act |
Trailers | Trailers may be parked in the section of the parking lot closest to the pavilion. A venue map will be provided. |
Security | Equipment Security will be provided on Saturday evening. There will be no Security on Friday night. |